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17 February 2023
COVID: Enhanced Grants for Worcester businesses affected by Tier Two rules
A range of grants for Worcester businesses affected by the city's Tier Two regulations are now available from the City Council. Businesses that have had to close under the current rules can get support, as can those that are still open but which have been impacted by Tier Two in other ways. The ...
17 February 2023
Have powers to tackle dog fouling in Worcester worked?
Worcester City Council wants your views on whether tougher powers to tackle dog fouling, which were introduced two years ago, have made a difference. A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) was introduced for Worcester in July 2018 and expires in July 2021. Its main purpose was to: red...
17 February 2023
£17.9m boost to regenerate Worcester’s city centre
A major regeneration of Worcester's city centre is set to go ahead, after a bid by the City Council secured £17.9 million.The investment has been awarded from the Government's Future High Streets Fund, with the announcement made today (26 December 2020) by Communities Secretary Rt Hon Robert Jenr...
17 February 2023
Take winter action to deter gulls from nesting in New Year
Worcester residents and business owners are being urged to take action over the winter months to prevent gulls from nesting on their properties in the Spring."The first step is to remove any nests and nesting materials from your property before the gulls return to Worcester in March and April," s...
17 February 2023
Wildflower haven to be created near city centre
A future haven for wildflowers is being created at Cherry Orchard Nature Reserve (WR5 3DH), close to Worcester city centre.The City Council has joined forces with the Warwickshire & West Mercia Community Rehabilitation Company ( to reclaim a large area of the Reserve which ha...