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04 February 2022
First chance to see inside Worcester’s revamped Arches
Local artists and creatives are being offered the chance to get an early preview of the five refurbished spaces which are about to open as part of the £4.5 million project, The Arches – Worcester.Open days will be held on February 9 and 14 at the newly fitted-out Victorian railway arches between ...
03 February 2022
Local firm appointed to let refurbished Arches to creatives
Worcester City Council has announced that the recently refurbished spaces in the Arches Worcester ( are to be managed and let in the New Year by the team behind The Kiln, a managed workspace in Copenhagen Street. The Kiln offers office, meetings, hot desking and event...
01 February 2022
Worcester swimming pool to close for 12 weeks for tiles upgrade
The timetable for the replacement of the poolside tiles at Worcester's Perdiswell Leisure Centre has been revealed, with the swimming pools set to close for 12 weeks over the summer.The temporary closure will allow new tiling to be installed in the pool hall, providing a new improved anti-slip su...
01 February 2022
£1m investment in city at heart of Worcester City Council budget plans
An investment of £1.1m in new play, sport, community facilities, the city's appearance and environment, alongside celebrations of the Jublilee and the Commonwealth Games, is at the heart of proposals for Worcester City Council's budget for 2022-23.Initiatives including a new BMX pump track in St ...
25 January 2022
£30,000 proposed to celebrate Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in Worcester
Worcester city councillors have backed the investment of £30,000 in events across the city to mark Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee - including funding street parties and other community activities.In June this year the nation will celebrate The Queen's 70th year on the throne, with the c...