A range of grants for Worcester businesses affected by the city's Tier Two regulations are now available from the City Council.
Businesses that have had to close under the current rules can get support, as can those that are still open but which have been impacted by Tier Two in other ways. The Government grants for Tier Two are at a reduced rate for open businesses from the previous lockdown but the City Council will top these up to make sure all businesses get the same amount of support.
So-called "wet-led" pubs that have had to close because they do not serve substantial meals are, additionally, eligible for a one-off £1,000 Christmas grant.
Find out the full details of how to register for all these grants.
Any business that didn't register for the Local Restrictions Support Grant that was available for the November lockdown can still do so .
Shane Flynn, Worcester City Council's Director of Resources, said: "The move from lockdown to Tier Two meant that many Worcester businesses were able to re-open, but not all. Those that are still closed now have a lifeline in these latest grants. In the case of 'wet-led' pubs, an additional one-off Christmas grant of £1,000 is also available.
"Even businesses that have re-opened may still be facing shortfalls in their income because of restrictions on how many customers they can serve, problems with supplies or other issues. They may also benefit from this latest round of funding, and I would encourage them to
check out all the details."
For businesses closed under the Tier Two regulations – such as night clubs and some pubs and bars – payments will be made for each 14-day period the business is closed from 2 December onwards, if they are already registered for business rates.
The payment amounts will depend on the rateable value of a business's premises:
- Businesses occupying properties with a rateable value of exactly £15,000 or under will receive £667.00 per 14-day period
- Businesses occupying properties with a rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000 will receive £1,000 per 14-day period
- Businesses occupying properties with a rateable value of exactly £51,000 or above will receive £1,500 per 14-day period.
Grants are available for businesses in the hospitality, hotel, bed & breakfast and leisure sectors that are open and are registered for business rates.
The Council can also award a discretionary grant to businesses in other sectors that are open but which have been adversely affected by the Tier Two regulations.
Businesses in this position are invited to apply.
Businesses can sign up to a City Council newsletter to keep them up to date with the support available by emailing
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