Groups and charities hoping to apply for community grants for the next financial year will need to get their applications in this autumn.
The way Worcester City Council awards small grants though the One Worcester Communities Grants scheme is changing.
Although grants for the current financial year can still be sought up to 31 March 2024, after that date, there will only be one call for grant applications each year.
Organisations wishing to make applications for events being held between April 1 2024 and March 31 2025 must make their submissions between 22 September 2023 and 10 November 2023. Applicants can apply for a maximum of £2000 towards a project, which must be match-funded.
Applications will then be assessed by officers against criteria which supports the delivery of the Worcester City Plan, which aims to work with residents and stakeholders across Worcester to create a successful, vibrant and sustainable city.
Once officers have assessed the applications, a report will go to the Council's Policy and Resources committee in December where the final decisions will be made.
The One Worcester Communities Grants scheme has a Small Grants allocation of £45,000, funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Councillors have already agreed to continue to supply £3,500 of this money each year as a grant to Worcester Arts Council, which distributes small amounts of it to support various arts activities in the city.
The remaining £41,500 is available to be shared between other organisations.
Worcester City Council's Director of Finance and Resources, Shane Flynn, said: "As the money available for these community grants is less than it once was, it is very important that we offer all qualifying groups the same chance to be considered and we feel that the new system will simplify the process and ensure it is as fair as it can be."
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