Compliments, Comments and Complaints
Are we getting it right?
We need you to tell us how you feel about the service you receive. We like to know when we are getting it right – and when we are getting it wrong.
If you have a complaint about us, please make sure that we are the first to know so that we can put things right and review how we do things in the future.
You can complain about any part of the services we offer which you are not happy with, however, if it is a complaint about a Councillor, we have a different process set out in the section below.
If you want to report an issue such as a missed bin collection or littering, you can do this using our online forms.
If you feel that you have mitigating circumstances that you want considered regarding the issue of the Penalty Charge Notice, you can make an online PCN appeal.
If you have a general enquiry, please see our Contacting The Council page for details of how to get in touch with us.
Worcester is a District Council, this means that some of the services are provided by the City Council and others by Worcestershire County Council. As a general guide:
The County Council provide:
Comments, compliments and complaints about the above services should be made via Worcestershire County Council's website.
The City Council provide:
- Housing services
- Environmental Health
- Economic Development & Business
- Leisure, sports, parks and museum services
- Refuse collection, street cleaning and public toilets
- Local planning and building control
- Council tax collection
- Council tax support and housing benefits
- Business rate collection
Making a compliment, comment or complaint
You can register a compliment, comment or complaint about Worcester City Council using an on-line form by clicking the button below. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service Centre or print and complete a pdf paper form (572 KB) .
We will provide a response to your feedback within 15 working days or, if our investigations take longer, we will keep you informed of the time scale and reasons for the delay.
Make a Complaint, Comment or Compliment
Not happy?
If we have responded to your complaint, and you are not satisfied with the explanation that you have been given, you can appeal the decision within 28 days by writing to: Complaints Officer, Worcester City Council, The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, WR1 2EY.
Please quote your complaint reference number, say why you are not satisfied and ask for the matter to be reviewed.
Still not happy?
If you are still not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman who offer an independent, impartial and free service. They won't investigate something until the council procedures have been tried first, but they will look at complaints about most council matters. They cannot question what a council has done simply because someone does not agree with it.
Complaints against Councillors
The City Council has a pdf Code of Conduct (305 KB) governing the behaviour of Councillors which is part of the constitution. Complaints against Worcester City Council Councillors or Parish Councillors for the Warndon and St. Peter's parishes that have not complied with the Code must be made to the Council's Monitoring Officer. Details of how we assess complaints against Councillors are set out in our pdf Assessment and Investigation Procedure (75 KB) .
The Monitoring Officer will consult with an Independent Person and if appropriate, investigate and refer the matter to a Sub-Committee of the Standards Committee for consideration. The Sub-Committee can only deal with complaints about the behaviour of a Councillor and not with complaints about things that are not covered by the Code of Conduct. Any such complaints should state why you think that the Councillor has not followed the Code of Conduct.
To make a complaint about a Councillor please fill in our on-line form by clicking on the button below or send it in writing to: The Monitoring Officer, Worcester City Council, The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester, WR1 2EY.
Make a complaint about a Councillor
Further information
Below is a list of documents relating to the content on this page:
- pdf Compliments, Comments and Complaints printable form (572 KB)
- pdf Members' Code of Conduct (305 KB)
- pdf Procedure for Assessment and Investigation of Complaints that Councillors have breached the Worcester City Council Code of Conduct (75 KB)
- Customer Care Standards
- pdf Complaints Policy (220 KB)