Publicly owned Green Space in Worcester is managed for wildlife and public access and recreation. This includes Local Nature Reserves, other Wildlife Sites, Parks, hedgerows and verges.
Part of what makes these sites special for wildlife is the abundance of natural food sources e.g. fruits, nuts and berries.
Picking a small amount of fruit for your own, non-commercial, use is acceptable, provided that in doing so you do not damage trees or sensitive habitats.
Follow these simple rules:
- Large scale harvesting, or using mechanical aids such as ladders or long handled pruners is inappropriate for any green space managed by Worcester City Council.
- Never take all the fruit from a bush or tree.
- Only take what you need and leave some fruit to ripen for other foragers.
- Don't let bored children or dogs disturb grazing animals.
- Don't break branches just to get at that juicy fat berry at the top.
- If you have permission to enter fields always leave gates as you find them.
- Never leave litter or empty carrier bags in or around hedgerows.
If you do wish to organise fruit picking events on any of our sites, please contact the Community Engagement Team, Cleaner and Greener City, Worcester City Council on 01905 722233.