The responsibility for removing graffiti and flyposting depends on its location.
Private property
Having your property vandalised by graffiti can be distressing and costly. There are many ways you can help protect your property and deter graffiti vandals. Graffiti on private property would be the responsibility of the owner to remove. View the
graffiti help and guidance leaflet for private property owners
(567 KB)
Should you be a victim of vandalism/graffiti then you have been a victim of crime. It is important that you report it as a crime to West Mercia Police.
Property owned by BT, Royal Mail, Central Networks and Network Rail
Property owned by British Telecom (phone boxes), Royal Mail (post boxes), Central Networks (electrical installations) and Network Rail should be reported directly to them. See details below for contact telephone numbers and web addresses.
Council property
We will remove graffiti and fly posting from council-owned property such as litter bins, public toilets, bus shelters, public parks and/or recreation grounds.
Please provide us with as much information as you can regarding the location and nature of the problem.
Report Graffiti or Fly-posting