"No single organisation can hope to reduce the incidence of crime. Local organisations need to work together to develop comprehensive solutions to improve the community's quality of life" (The Audit Commission)
The 1998 Crime and Disorder Act requires that all responsible authorities must develop a strategy to tackle crime and disorder in their local area. Responsible authorities include Local Authorities, the Police, Police Authority, Fire and Rescue Authorities and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs).
Three Community Safety Partnerships were initially set up in South Worcestershire in Worcester City, Malvern and Wychavon. However they agreed to merge in 2003 to form the South Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership (SWCSP).
The SWCSP meets quarterly and oversees the work done by the local district operational partnerships who meet on a monthly basis (see operational chart below).

SWCSP representatives come from a varied number of agencies and organisations including:
- Worcester City Council
- Malvern Hills District Council
- Wychavon District Council
- Worcestershire County Council
- West Mercia Constabulary
- West Mercia Police Authority
- Worcestershire Youth Offending Service
- Worcester Community Housing
- Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service
- Hereford and Worcester Fire Authority
- Worcestershire PCT
- West Mercia Probation Trust
- Worcestershire Substance Misuse Action Team (SMAT)
- South Worcestershire Magistrates
- West Midlands Ambulance Service
- Neighbourhood Watch
All Partnership members work together to develop communities that are safe and feel safe.
The Partnership Plan
Each Community Safety Partnership must develop a Partnership Plan: an action plan detailing their strategy for tackling crime and disorder in their area.
Our aim is to improve the quality of life for the people of South Worcestershire by:
- Tackling crime
- Reassuring the public
- Building community cohesion and reducing anti-social behaviour
- Reducing the harm caused by illegal drugs and alcohol
Our priorities are:
- Criminal damage
- Alcohol related crime
- Anti-social behaviour
- Vehicle crime (not including vehicle interference)
- Theft from the person and robbery
- Fear of Crime