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Accidents, Emergencies and Safety

Flooding Information


We will monitor flood levels along with the Environment Agency which provides regular updates on its Floodline service. We will keep an eye on roads and houses where we anticipate flooding will occur.

Do not under any circumstances be tempted to enter flood water. The flow of a swollen river along with its under-current can be very powerful. Flood water may contain raw sewage which can lead to health problems.

You can get the latest information on flooding in Worcester at:

During flooding

  • Keep calm, if you are in danger dial 999 and/or attract attention of people nearby
  • Turn off water, gas and electricity supplies at the first sign of flooding in your property
  • If trapped, remain near a window where you can be seen
  • If the Emergency Services are on the scene, follow their instructions
  • Be prepared, you may need to be evacuated
  • Do not enter flood waters as depth and current can be deceiving. Just 6 inches (15mm) of flood water can knock an adult off their feet. The flood waters may also be contaminated with sewage and there may be hidden dangers
  • Move your family, pets an valuables upstairs or to higher ground if threatened by floods

After the flood

  • Contact your insurer
  • Do not switch on gas or electricity until it is checked by a professional
  • Assume flood water contains sewage
  • Do not use food that has been in contact with flood water
  • Always wear waterproof gloves when handling soiled items, and always wash your hands if you touch anything soiled by the flood water
  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect all items soiled by flood water

Support for residents and businesses

Financial support for residents and businesses who had water come into their homes or premises in the October and November 2024 floods is being provided by Worcestershire County Council. Affected residents and businesses will be contacted directly.

Further information on flooding

  • The Environment Agency provide comprehensive information on flooding and flooding related issues. Please visit their website for guidance.
  • Checking traffic - When traffic has to be diverted the Highways Department will organise closures and alternative routes. Worcestershire Highways will pass on all traffic news via X / Twitter at @WorcsTravel and local radio stations, so please tune in.
  • A place to rest - We will provide emergency rest centre accommodation if you have to evacuate your home and we will work with the Police to help you move. We will help place vulnerable people in temporary accommodation if required. Please think ahead and contact the Council for advice on 01905 722233.
  • Bin collections - Bin crews may not be able to reach some properties during a flood incident. If your bin is missed, report it here.
  • Car parks - Some car parks close to the river may need to close at times of flood. Information on car park sites.
  • Cleaning up - The City Council and Worcestershire Highways will work to clean up the highways and get them back into use as soon as the flooding has receded.
  • UK Health Security Agency - Flood: health guidance and advice
  • Sandbags are not provided by Worcester City Council because they are not an effective form of flood alleviation. Our recommended approach for flood alleviation is through alterations to homes such as raising floors and the installation of barriers. 

National Flood Forum

The National Flood Forum is a national charity dedicated to supporting and representing communities and individuals at risk of flooding. They do this by:

  1. Helping people to prepare for flooding in order to prevent it or mitigate its impacts
  2. Helping people to recover their lives once they have been flooded
  3. Campaigning on behalf of flood risk communities and working with government and agencies to ensure that they develop a community perspective.

Useful contact numbers

Floodline (The Environment Agency):  0345 988 1188

West Mercia Police: 101

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service: 033 33 990043

Severn Trent Water: 0800 783 4444

Please tune into local radio for regular updates

Useful Information