If you already pay your council tax by direct debit this will be shown on your bill. You do not need to complete a new Direct Debit form or update your details unless you wish to change the bank account that payments are collected from.
With effect from 1 April 2023, if you are paying your Council Tax by direct debit and move out of the area or your account is closed, any credit on the account, once the amendment has been made, will be refunded to the bank account being used to make your payments from.
We will only refund credit if there is no outstanding Council Tax due on any other accounts in your name.
If you would like to pay by standing order please instruct your bank or building society to make payments on or before the installment dates on your bill.
The standing order (quoting your Council Tax or Business Rates account number) should be set up in favour of:
Worcester City Council
Sort Code: 40-47-17
A/C 31707647
You will need to take your Council Tax bill with you as it contains a barcode which is used for reference. You can pay by cash, cheque or debit card. There is a transaction limit of £999.99. If the amount to pay exceeds this limit, then multiple payments can be made. There will be no charge for the payment.
Call 0330 088 0680 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Payment by cash only to your local PayPoint store. You will need to take your Council Tax bill with you as it contains a barcode which is used for reference. There is a transaction limit of £200.00. If the amount to pay exceeds this limit, then multiple payments can be made. There will be no charge for the payment.
Find your nearest shop with a PayPoint terminal.
The Council issues a bill to all households and businesses in March which shows how much you have to pay each month. .
If your circumstances change or you move house during the year must let the Council know straight away so that your bill can be adjusted accordingly.