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Current Consultations

Perdiswell Park Pump Track

Worcester City Council is proposing to install a new pump track facility at Perdiswell Park, Claines Ward, Worcester and we would like to know what you think about our plans.

The online survey is for people aged 13 and over, adults can fill it in on behalf of younger children.

Perdiwell Park Pump Track Survey

Proposed New Play Area for Weyburn Close

Due to a lack of current local provision, Worcester City Council is proposing to install play equipment for young children and social space for local teenagers on the green adjacent to Weyburn Close in the Lower Wick & Pitmaston ward.

You need to be aged 13 and over to complete our survey yourself, but an adult can fill it in on behalf of younger children.

Weyburn Close Proposed Play Area Survey

Improvements to Cornmeadow Lane Play Area

Worcester City Council is proposing to make improvements to the existing play area at Cornmeadow Lane.

The Council are considering fencing the area around the perimeter of the play equipment to provide a secure space as well as enhancing the range of equipment currently available. In addition we’d like to offer facilities for teenagers to enjoy as a social space as well as including biodiversity enhancements for the site, such as a wildflower meadow area.

You need to be aged 13 and over to complete our survey yourself, but an adult can fill it in on behalf of younger children.

Improvements to Cornmeadow Lane Play Area Survey

Environmental Sustainability Strategy 

Worcester City Council approved our first Environmental Sustainability Strategy in 2020, with the delivery of this managed via action plans. The Council is currently delivering on the second action plan, agreed in 2022. 

This consultation, aimed at residents, businesses, organisations, and other partners, seeks your input to help us refresh our strategy at this halfway point to 2030. We want to update it to include new opportunities, ideas and reflect the changes that have happened nationally over the last few years. 

This consultation will help us to understand what else is happening across the city and tell us what you think the Council should prioritise as we move forward over the next few years. 

The consultation runs until 16 February 2025.

The results from this consultation will be used to inform the refresh of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy which will be approved by the Council's Environment Committee. Reporting of the survey results will be statistical and will never contain your name or anything that could identify you. Your details will not be linked to your opinions in any way.

For full privacy information please see our associated Privacy Notice

If you would like this survey as a printed copy, or another language or format, or require any assistance with responding, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01905 722233.

Environmental Sustainability Strategy Survey