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St Martin's Gate Car Park

Amber Zone Car Park

Worcester City Council Parking Logo

Please note:
For the duration of the 2024 Victorian Fayre between 28 November to 1 December, the ground floor and basement at Saint Martin’s Gate Car Park will be reserved for Blue Badge Holders only. Please use the upper floors(floor1 or above) during this period if you are not a Blue Holder. The EV charging bays are not affected during this period and will remain for the use of Electric vehicles only. Normal terms and conditions will apply

Tariff Information


Up to 1 Hr


Up to 2 Hrs


Up to 3 Hrs


Up to 4 Hrs


Up to 6 Hrs


Up to 24 Hrs


Up to 48 Hrs (2 x days)


Up to 72 Hrs (3 x days)


Up to 96 Hrs (4 x days)


Up to 120 Hrs (5 x days)


Vehicles displaying a valid disabled persons blue badge and time clock set at the time of arrival can park for free for up to 3 hours across all our car parks.

Car Park Information

St Martins Gate, City Walls Road, Worcester, WR1 2BS

This car park is closed from 12 midnight to 7am (until further notice)

Standard Spaces 714
Disabled Spaces 24
Motorcycle Spaces (Free of charge) 1
Pay & Display Machines 17 x cash and card payments
CCTV Coverage Yes

Electric car charging points

Season Tickets available Yes
Ring Go
Ring Go Code

Electric car charging points

Electric Charging Point Logo

Twelve new electric car charging points are now available in St Martin's Gate car park.

Six 50kw rapid charging points and a further six 22kw fast charging points are available on the ground floor of the multi-storey car park.

The charging points at St Martin's Gate car parks are designed to accommodate the majority of electric vehicles currently available in the UK. They are listed on Zap Map and other information services for electric vehicle users.

Electric vehicle drivers pay a competitive rate of 50p per kWh for the 22kW chargers and 65p per kWh for the 50kW chargers.

Charging Bay Type Length of stay
Fast Charging Bay Up to a maximum of 10 hours (standard car park charges apply)
Rapid Charging Bay Free up to 2 hour

Drivers must stay no longer than two hours in a Rapid Charge parking spot and no longer than ten hours in a Fast Charge parking space.

Users of non-electric vehicles will not be allowed to use the spaces where the charging points have been installed and will be issued with a penalty notice if they break this rule.

We will expect the users of our car parks

  • To pay the appropriate charge. (Charges apply between 7am and 9pm every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays)
  • To properly display a valid pay and display ticket in the front windscreen so that it can be easily seen and read as to date, time and amount paid. If your payment is made by RingGo, no ticket will be produced to display.
  • To park correctly in a marked out parking bay
  • Use only one parking space. (Do not park on the white lines or allow your vehicle to overhang into the adjoining bay)
  • To ensure that any motor vehicles using our car parks are properly insured to the minimum requirements of the Road Traffic Act
  • To ensure that any motor vehicles using our car parks do not cause an obstruction to other road users, including pedestrians
  • Have consideration for other road and car park users
  • Treat our Civil Enforcement Officers in a civil and courteous manner

Using a Pay and Display Machine

  • Enter the full license plate number using the touch screen display, then select ‘OK’.
  • Select appropriate payment either card or coin
  • If payment by coin, please insert coins to the required value and select ‘OK’, Feed coins slowly allowing them to register.
  • Any coins that have not registered can be found at the base of the machine marked with a small coin icon
  • Push the green button to print the ticket.
  • Collect the ticket and display face up in your vehicle windscreen, clearly visible.
  • If paying using a card, please select the appropriate tariff using the plus (+) button on the touch screen display, then select ‘OK’.
  • If there is a connectivity problem (a continuing circle) when paying by card, choose a different way to pay (this is not a machine fault) 
  • Pay for your parking session using either contactless payment or using the chip reader. When you have received your pay and display ticket, please select if you want a receipt.

Park Mark