Below is a list of abbreviations used in the Car Parking section of this website:
CEA - Civil Enforcement Authority
CEO - Civil Enforcement Officer
CPE - Civil Parking Enforcement
CPZ - Controlled Parking Zone
DPE - Decriminalised Parking Enforcement
DVLA - Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
FPN - Fixed Penalty Notice
NoR - Notice of Rejection
NtO - Notice to Owner
PCN - Penalty Charge Notice
PPA - Permitted Parking Area
SEA - Special Enforcement Area
SPA - Special Parking Area
TEC - Traffic Enforcement Centre
TMA - Traffic Management Act 2004
TPT - Traffic Penalty Tribunal
TRO - Traffic Regulation Order
VED - Vehicle Excise Disk
For further information contact:
Telephone: 01905 722233
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.