Warmer Worcester Winter Warmth Campaign
The Warmer Worcester Winter Warmth Campaign aims to provide you with the help and support you need this winter. This countywide campaign is supported by all Worcestershire Local Authorities, NHS Worcestershire, Hereford and Worcestershire Fire & Rescue Service, Age UK Hereford &Worcestershire and Act on Energy.
Financial Support Available Winter Fuel Payments
A tax free benefit available to those aged over 60.You can receive £200 if aged over 60 and £300 if aged over 80,paid automatically in November /December. If you have not received your payment please call the helpline on 0845 915 1515 or for further information visit the DWP Website
Cold Weather Payment
A one- off payment of £25, made when the average temperature is recorded as :
- Average of zero degrees Celsius or below over seven consecutive days in a row
- Forecast to be an average zero degrees Celsius or below over seven consecutive days in a row
You will qualify for this payment if you receive the following benefits: pension credit :income support with a child under 5 years old in your family;income support with a pensioner or disability premium or child tax credit with an element for a child/young person who is disabled .If you have not received a payment contact your local pension service or Job Centre Plus and see further information on the DWP website
Warm Front Grants
A government funded scheme that provides grants for heating and insulation for people living in their own or privately rented homes. The funding is only available to those in receipt of certain means tested benefits. To find out if you qualify call Warm Front on 0800 316 2805, or visit Warmer Worcester and pdf Warm Front Eligibility (24 KB) .
Funding for Insulation
Funding is available for loft and cavity wall insulation. There are a number of schemes offering free or subscribed insulation. Call the helpline number for details of local and national schemes for advice on keeping warm, saving energy and reducing your gas and electric bills please call Warmer Worcester Advice Line - Act on Energy (free phone): 0800 988 2881 or visit Warmer Worcester.
Warm Home Discount
Automatic rebate of £120 paid to those receiving the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit. Those who qualify will receive a letter from the Department for Works and Pensions and the amount will be deducted from their winter bill .The Warm Home Discount scheme provides help for some vulnerable people with their energy costs. Find out about the help that will be available in winter 2012/2013.
Priority Services Register (PSR)
If you are a pensioner, have long term ill health ,are registered disabled or have a hearing impairment you may be eligible for extra help offered by energy suppliers. Please contact the Citizens Advice Bureau Advice.
Other Useful Websites
- Homeless or at risk of homelessness
- Tenant Advice
- Tenant Advice - Social Housing
- Landlord Advice
- Homeowner advice
- Benefit Advice
- Housing and Council Tax Benefit
- Domestic Abuse and Harassment
- Housing Register
- Housing Contacts
- Immigration Visits
- Enabling new affordable housing
- Housing Options
- Strategic Housing Services
- Armed Forces Housing Support
- Empty Properties
- Housing Grants
- Housing Strategies
- Home Energy Advice