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How can we help you?

Housing Contact Details

Housing advice contact

If you would like to speak to somebody for housing advice or homelessness enquiries, you can contact the team as follows:

Tel: 01905 722589
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are concerned that you are at risk of becoming homeless, it is really important that you seek advice at the earliest opportunity.

If you could please complete the following form, this will be sent directly to our housing officers who will make contact with you to discuss your housing options:-

Homeless Self Assessment Form

Out of hours

If you find that you have become homeless out of hours and have no where to stay you can contact the Emergency Homeless Out of Hours Number: 01562 547698.

Private sector housing contact

Tel: 01905 722288
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In-person location

Housing Advice Centre
Trinity Street

Postal Address

The Guildhall
High Street

Compliments, Comments and Complaints

You can register a compliment, comment or complaint about us using an on-line form.