Recycling & Waste
Garden Waste Collection Service Terms & Conditions
Please read the terms and conditions before you sign up for our garden waste scheme. Please keep a copy of this document for your records.
- The Council will provide the number of brown bins requested and empty them at the agreed frequency for the garden waste service.
- The customer will pay the agreed charge for the service provided, in accordance with the following conditions. The charge covers the cost of emptying one bin. Additional charges will apply to any additional bins required at the property.
- The brown bins remain the property of the Council.
- Only agreed waste may be disposed of through this service.
- All waste must be contained within the bins provided. Any waste not contained in a Worcester City Council brown bin will not be collected.
- Bins should not be filled with such a weight as to make the moving or emptying process hazardous to the Council’s operatives. The Council reserves the right to suspend or cancel the service to customers whose bins are overweight.
- Due to the mechanical methods used to empty bins, it is a requirement that bins are presented with the lids in the closed position. The Council reservice the right to suspend or cancel the service to customers who fail to put the bins out with the lids closed.
- The bin should be presented by 7am on the day of collection at the front edge of the property at the same collection point as the black/green bin, unless other arrangements have been agreed.
- Collection crews cannot return if your bin is put out late or not presented. The customer shall be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the bin.
- The customer shall at all reasonable times allow the Council and any other person authorized by them to have access to the brown bin to inspect, test, adjust, repair or replace it.
- The customer is required to ensure that the brown bin is only used for the storage of garden waste materials for collection by the Council. The Council accepts no liability for the loss of any materials which have been placed in the brown bin for disposal or otherwise.
- The brown bin remains the responsibility of the customer, and if they move within the city it is their responsibility to inform the Council prior to moving the brown bin to the new property. Bins are registered to the property and not to the customer: therefore, the bin must not be removed from the property without prior agreement from the Council.
- Should collections be missed due to circumstances beyond the Council’s control, every effort will be made to arrange an alternative collection.
- For any collections which have been inadvertently missed the customer should report the missed collection via the Council’s website, or by calling our Customer Service Centre on 01905 722233.
- Charges are set from 1st April each year and the Council reserves the right to increase or vary charges for the service. Customers will be notified of any price changes in the annual service communication sent in February/March.
- A renewal letter/email is sent to the customer approximately one month before their current year’s service is due to expire (anniversary date), inviting them to renew their subscription. If full payment is not received at least three working days before the anniversary date, the service will be suspended. If payment is made late, the service will resume from the next scheduled collection, providing payment is made at least three working days before that collection. Any collections missed due to late payment will not be replaced or reimbursed.
- These terms and conditions continue to be in force for the full service year and if cancelled by the customer at any stage within this period, no refund will be issued and the bin will be removed.
- Garden waste collections may be suspended during periods of severe inclement weather in order to assist with the catch-up arrangements for recycling and refuse.
- The Council reserves the right to change the day of collection, giving reasonable notice, to suit existing rounds and current practices in order to promote an efficient service in accordance with Council priorities.
- The Council reserves the right to withdraw its service at any time.
- Any outstanding charges or invoices due to the Council may be collected as a debt.