We will write to you approximately one month before your current year's service is due to expire, inviting you to renew your subscription. The letter will show your Garden Waste Anniversary Date and the current cost of the service. Should you wish to renew, payment must be made at least two working days before your anniversary date.
The letter will also show your Garden Waste Account Reference. Payment can then be made using the methods described below and your Garden Waste Collection Service will continue uninterrupted.
If you fail to pay by your Garden Waste Anniversary Date the service will be suspended on this date. To reinstate the service, you will be required to pay the annual subscription and the registration fee.
Paying for the service
Follow the link below to pay for the renewal of your Garden Waste Service.
Renew and pay for my Garden Waste Service
Make sure 'Sundry Invoices' payment type is selected
Enter your 10 digit Account Invoice number
- Complete the rest of the form as required.
Direct Debit
We are currently offering a £5 discount for all existing customers who decide to renew by direct debit. To take up this offer:
Please complete a
Direct Debit form
(100 KB)
and return either by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to:
Worcester City Council, PO Box 357, Malvern, WR14 9HP
Alternatively, you can call our accounts team on 01905 722196 where you can set up a Direct Debit over the phone.
How to cancel your Garden Waste Service
You can cancel the service here (and select 'Other request') or contact Customer Services on 01905 722233. We will then contact you to arrange the collection of your bin.
Please have your Garden Waste Account Reference ready.
Additional information