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All services
The home of all resident related services.
About your Council
Agendas, consultations and other council related information.
Council Tax
Discounts, exemptions and other council tax related information.
Councillors & Democracy
Agendas, consultations and other council related information.
Community Development and Centres
Local community wellbeing related guides
Community Safety
Statistics, reviews and other safety tips for residents.
Elections and voting
Election results and other voting frequently asked questions.
Environmental Health
County-wide regulatory services and contact details.
Supporting vulnerable households with our dedicated housing team.
Leisure, Events, Parks and Allotments
Local green spaces and other recreational facilities.
My local area
Local search portal for property information and electoral details.
Car permits, tickets and other public facilities.
Application forms and other planning guidance.
Pay It
Online secure payment for a variety of council services.
Report It
Online forms to report a range of services and crimes.
Request It
Application forms for local and central government departments.
The Council's approach to tackling the joint climate and biodiversity emergencies
Waste and Recycling
Bin schedules, collections and other waste-related enquiries.
All services
Business Rates
Non-Domestic Rate, or Business Rates information.
Doing business with Worcester City Council
Find information to help contractors and suppliers tender for contracts
Funding and support
Free support and guidance to start, run and grow your business.
Inward investment
Growth plans for existing businesses located in the district.
Administration, regulation and enforcement of licenses.
Town Centre Plans
Adapting to the changing needs of the community.
Work for us
How can we help you?
All services
The home of all resident related services.
About your Council
Agendas, consultations and other council related information.
Council Tax
Discounts, exemptions and other council tax related information.
Councillors & Democracy
Agendas, consultations and other council related information.
Community Development and Centres
Local community wellbeing related guides
Community Safety
Statistics, reviews and other safety tips for residents.
Elections and voting
Election results and other voting frequently asked questions.
Environmental Health
County-wide regulatory services and contact details.
Supporting vulnerable households with our dedicated housing team.
Leisure, Events, Parks and Allotments
Local green spaces and other recreational facilities.
My local area
Local search portal for property information and electoral details.
Car permits, tickets and other public facilities.
Application forms and other planning guidance.
Pay It
Online secure payment for a variety of council services.
Report It
Online forms to report a range of services and crimes.
Request It
Application forms for local and central government departments.
The Council's approach to tackling the joint climate and biodiversity emergencies
Waste and Recycling
Bin schedules, collections and other waste-related enquiries.
All services
Business Rates
Non-Domestic Rate, or Business Rates information.
Doing business with Worcester City Council
Find information to help contractors and suppliers tender for contracts
Funding and support
Free support and guidance to start, run and grow your business.
Inward investment
Growth plans for existing businesses located in the district.
Administration, regulation and enforcement of licenses.
Town Centre Plans
Adapting to the changing needs of the community.
Work for us
Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support
Exemptions From The Scheme
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Advice and Benefits
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
Local Housing Allowance
Exemptions from the scheme
Some tenancies are exempt from LHA. These are:
Tenancies with Registered Social Landlords (housing associations)
Tenancies that began before 15th January 1989
Supported Housing
Caravans, houseboats, mobile homes and hostels
If the rent officer decides that a large part of your rent includes meals.
In this section
Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support
Support with cost of living crisis
Bus Passes for senior citizens and disabled
Road Closures for Approved Events
Burials and Cremations
Council Tax
Universal Credit
Advice for Landlords
Apply for Universal Credit
Challenging a Universal Credit decision
Check if you're eligible for Universal Credit
Choosing a bank account
Help manage your money
Advance payments of Universal Credit
What is Universal Credit?
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
Benefits - News and Changes to Benefits
Benefits Claims
Online Benefits Calculator
Benefits Cap
Housing Benefit - Change of Circumstances
When You Move
Income Changes
Any Other Changes
Benefits - self service
Benefits - Report Benefit Fraud
Benefits - Contact Us
Discretionary Housing Payments
Disability Benefits
Benefit Overpayments
Benefit Backdating
Extended Payments
Civil Partnership
Non Dependant Deductions
Housing Advice
Local Housing Allowance
Which BRMA applies to me?
How much LHA will I receive
Exemptions from the scheme
Pension Credit
Customer Services
Parking - Blue Badge
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