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Business Rates

Business Rates Revaluation


Business Rates were introduced on 1 April 1990 at which time all Business premises were valued and their Rateable Values were entered into a local rating list.

The Business Rate legislation allows for business properties to be revalued every 5 years. The last revaluation took effect from 1 April 2017.

Local Rating List

A new list came into force on 1 April 2017. The list can be viewed at:

Customer Service Centre
89 The High Street

You can also see the valuation list with a copy of your entry by visiting the Valuation Office website.

The Valuation Office, who are part of the Inland Revenue, are responsible for setting the rateable values. If you have any queries regarding your rateable value you should contact them.

Further information on business rates can be found at the Directgov website.

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Business Rates