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Transferring a Premises Licence

To transfer a premises licence, either from you to another person or to you from the existing licence holder, you must apply formally to change the licence.

From 6th April 2017 individuals applying to transfer a premises licences to themselves have to submit documentation with their application to demonstrate they have permission to be in the UK and are entitled to undertake work relating to the carrying on of a licensable activity. Applicants may provide clear photocopies or scanned copies of documents, which can either be in black and white or colour, and do not need to be endorsed as a copy of the original. Applicants should not submit original documents.

A list of acceptable documentation is here:

pdf List of acceptable documents to show entitlement to work (116 KB)

To help make your application process run more smoothly, Worcestershire Regulatory Services now offers a pre-application assistance service. For more information click here.

Apply online

 We are currently unable to process online applications via the GOV.UK portal. If you wish you submit an online application please:


  1. Make the required payment via the Council’s pay-it webpage, by choosing “Regulatory Services” and then “Premises Licence” payment option.
  2. Email completed application forms (a link to the application form is available below), all accompanying documentation and proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please ensure that proof of payment is included with your application email.

Apply by post

You can download an licence transfer application form here:

document Application to transfer a premises licence (218 KB)

The existing holder of the premises licence must give their consent to the transfer by completing this form:

document Consent to transfer a premises licence (31 KB)

Both of these forms and the existing premises licence must then be sent to the following address, along with the £23.00 fee (cheques made payable to Worcester City Council):

Worcester City Council Licensing, Worcestershire Regulatory Services, Wyre Forest House, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 7WF

You should also send copies of the forms to:

West Mercia Police, Worcester Police Station, Castle Street, Worcester, WR1 3QX

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. The application may take effect immediately or on a date specified in the application form and revised premises licence and licence summary will be issued to you. If the chief officer of police for the area where the premises is situated is satisfied that the exceptional circumstances of the case are such that granting the application would undermine the crime prevention objective, he must give us a notice within 14 days. We will then hold a hearing to determine the notice given by the police.

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