Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Screening and scoping opinions
A screening opinion allows applicants to find out whether a proposal requires an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) before making a planning application. Only developments which may have a significant environmental effect require an EIA to be produced. If an EIA is required for a development, applicants can seek advice on what needs to be included by requesting a Scoping Opinion.
The list below contains EIA screening and scoping opinions issued by Worcester City Council in the last 2 years.
You can find further guidance about EIAs and preparing the Environmental Statement on the gov.uk website.
Worcester Woods
Worcester Woods, Worcester, new retail park.
Land at Parsonage Way
Land at Parsonage Way, proposed new football stadium (5000 capacity), new club house and ancillary accommodation, training pitches and surface parking for 550 spaces.
Land near Parsonage Way, Trotshill Way and Plantation Drive
Land adjacent to Parsonage Way, Trotshill Way and Plantation Drive, Worcester (SWDP allocation 43/23), remodelling and development of land for employment uses, access and car parking, landscaping, associated works.
Former Crown Packaging Works
Former Crown Packaging Works, Perrywood Walk, Worcester, proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of 226 no. residential dwellings (class C3), together with new streets, landscaping, open space and car parking.
Former Government Building (DEFRA), Whittington Road
Former Government Building (DEFRA), Whittington Road, Worcester. Hybrid Application: Demolition of existing structures and Outline Planning Permission for offices with all matters reserved for future consideration (Access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) Full Planning Permission for 120 dwellings, details of access and spine road, landscaping, drainage and other associated infrastructure.
Former Government Buildings (DEFRA), Whittington Road
Former Government Buildings (DEFRA), Whittington road, Worcester, proposed residential development comprising 66 dwellings (Use Class C), residential care home (Use Class C2), open space, access, drainage and associated infrastructure.
Worcester Woods
Worcester Woods, Worcester, New retail park.
Land to the East of Blackpole Road
Proposed B2/ B8 Development.
- pdf EIA scoping opinion (167 KB)
- pdf EIA Screening opinion (28 KB)
- pdf EIA screening and scoping opinion request- submitted documents (679 KB)
Land at former Trinity Press Site
Land at former Trinity Press Site, London Road, Worcester, proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of retail food store.
Land east of Parsonage Way/Trotshill Way
Land east of Parsonage Way/Trotshill Way, planning application P18P0485: Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for variation of conditions 1, 2, 19 and 20 of planning application P17P0247 (proposed development of land for employment uses (use classes B1 / B2 / B8), access and car parking, landscaping and associated works)’
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