Monitoring Reports
South Worcestershire Development Plan
Authorities' Monitoring Report
The Authorities’ Monitoring Report (AMR) is jointly prepared by Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council.
The latest pdf SWDP Authorities’ Monitoring Report (1.12 MB) covers the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
The report monitors the policies of the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) which was adopted on 25 February 2016. It includes, amongst other things, information on housing completions, and progress on the development of allocated sites. It also monitors progress on associated local development documents e.g. Supplementary Planning Documents; and Neighbourhood Plans.
South Worcestershire Five-Year Housing Land Supply (December 2023)
This report provides a full explanation of the Five Year Housing Land Supply (5YHLS) calculation for the south Worcestershire Councils (SWCs; namely Malvern Hills District Council, Worcester City Council and Wychavon District Council) as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). It sets out the housing requirement, delivery to-date and identifies deliverable housing sites for the five year period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028. The report includes an appropriate in-depth analysis of sites with planning permission and those that are allocations in the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) to provide additional evidence about deliverability and to ensure that the supply calculation is robust.
Read the reports and accompanying appendices:
- pdf Appendix 1 - Completions and commitments.pdf (2.20 MB)
- pdf Appendix 2 - Developer Questionnaire.pdf (75 KB)
- pdf Appendix 3 - Developer Questionnaire responses.pdf (299 KB)
- pdf Appendix 4 - Lapse Rates.pdf (148 KB)
- pdf Appendix 5 - Windfalls.pdf (149 KB)
- pdf Five-Year Housing Land Supply Report.pdf (412 KB)
- pdf Four-Year Housing Land Supply Addendum update.pdf (191 KB) (April 2024)
Employment Land Monitor
The Employment Land Monitor (ELM) is the primary source of information for reporting on employment land development within Worcester City each year and contributes to the Council's primary monitoring document, the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR).
The report outlines the details of individual employment sites with the benefit of planning permission that have either been constructed, are under construction or remain outstanding and reports on the overall supply of available employment land in the district for the monitoring year. The status of each site is obtained from individual site checks carried out by planning officers in the spring of each year.
The report is focused on employment land which relates to business use within Classes B1, (up to 1 September 2020), E(g) (replacing B1 from 1 September 2020), B2 and B8 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).
Developer Contributions Monitor
Until 2019 the Council produced a Developer Contributions Monitor containing information about Worcester City Council’s use of developer contributions arising from approved development.
Due to a change in regulations in 2019, the Developer Contributions Monitor has now been replaced by the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) which can be found on the Developer Contributions Page. This provides information on developer contributions from both Section 106 Agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
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