Street Naming and Numbering
If a property is not 'registered' through the Council’s Street Naming and Numbering (SNN) process your address will not appear on the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) or the Royal Mail Postal Address File (PAF) and the owner/occupier may encounter difficulties in obtaining services such as:
- utilities
- applying for credit cards; mobile phone contracts; etc.
- delivery of goods
- critically being located by the emergency services in emergencies
Street Naming & Numbering Policy
View the Council’s policy on its pdf SNN process and procedures (127 KB) .
This document also sets out our powers and duties for undertaking street naming and numbering.
Allocation of Postcodes
The Royal Mail will not allocate a postcode until they receive official notification of new or amended addresses from the Council.
The Council is not responsible for allocating postal codes, this is the responsibility of Royal Mail, and any queries relating to this should be directed to Royal Mail’s customer services team.
New Developments
The street naming and numbering process for new developments can take several months. Therefore, it is advisable to make an application to us at the earliest possible stage of the development, and before properties are occupied. Failure to do so will result in delays when registering for Council Tax and/or utility services.
An application should be submitted to the Street Naming and Numbering service - where appropriate, this should include both planning application and Building Control references.
We have a strict procedure and criteria for allocating new street names. Please refer to the Council's pdf Street Naming & Numbering Policy (127 KB) for details.
Schedule of Fees
View the Council’s pdf schedule of fees (52 KB) (effective from 1 April 2024).
Who should Apply?
- Individuals or developers building new houses, commercial or industrial premises
- Individuals or developers undertaking conversions of existing residential, commercial or industrial premises which result in the creation of new properties or premises
- Property owners wishing to amend their existing property name.
When should I apply?
Most utility companies are reluctant to install services where an official postal address has not been allocated. It is therefore advisable to consult the Council at the earliest possible stage of a proposal - preferably before building work commences - and ideally before an unofficial name has been marketed or legal documentation drafted.
Please check that your property falls within Worcester City Council administrative boundary We are unable to respond to property queries outside of Worcester City (refunds are subject to a £10 administrative fee).
Rename or renumber an existing street or property
Following submission of your application we will inform you of your SNN application reference number and charge. This reference number must be used with all communication with us as it will allow us to access your request quickly and easily.
If you are unsure which form to use or you are unable to carry out the application process online please email the Street Naming and Numbering team for guidance
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- Land Searches and Charges
- Street Naming and Numbering
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