The Localism Act 2011 introduced a new type of planning which allows local people to come together to decide how they want their area to develop. Neighbourhood Development Plans are a significant part of the neighbourhood planning process and can be developed by Town and Parish Councils or by Neighbourhood Forums outside of the Parished areas. Once adopted, Neighbourhood Development Plans form part of the statutory development plan for the area and must be taken into consideration when determining planning applications. Find out more about neighbourhood planning.
The Government are supporting the delivery of Neighbourhood Planning through a package of grant funding. Find out more about the programme and how to apply.
Worcester City Council adopted the South Worcestershire Development Plan in February 2016, this forms the Local Plan for Worcester City, Wychavon and Malvern Hills and neighbourhood plans must be in general conformity with the strategic policies set out within it. Once Neighbourhood Plans are made, planning decisions will be primarily based around the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan and the South Worcestershire Development Plan.
There is currently one designated Neighbourhood Area within Worcester, in Warndon Parish.
In accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Warndon Parish Council are consulting on their draft Neighbourhood Plan from Monday 10 May to Monday 21 June 2021.
Read the draft plan and take part in the consultation.
pdf View the Warndon Parish Neighbourhood Area Designation (1.86 MB)
Find out more about the Warndon Parish Neighbourhood Plan.