Community Infrastructure Levy
CIL Draft Charging Schedule Consultation 2024
This is a draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule consultation for the three South Worcestershire Councils (Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon).
The South Worcestershire Councils (SWCs) adopted individual Charging Schedules in 2017. The decision to introduce CIL was taken by the SWCs to contribute towards the funding required to deliver the joint South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP), adopted in 2016.
This draft CIL Charging Schedule had been updated to reflect new viability evidence supporting the current SWDP Review. The 2010 CIL regulations (as amended) require consultation on a Draft Charging Schedule prior to submitting it to the Secretary of State for examination.
The consultation on the CIL Draft Charging Schedule has closed.
The public consultation on the proposals in this document started on 12 February 2024 and ended on 25 March 2024.
You can read the consultation document and supporting evidence base online via the consultation portal.
Ways of responding
You can make comments online by accessing the Draft CIL Charging Schedule online feedback form.
Comments can also be emailed to:
You can also download and fill in the Draft CIL Charging Schedule Consultation paper-based feedback form and return it to us at:
Planning Policy, The Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT.
Paper copies of the document are available from libraries in Malvern, Tenbury, Upton, Worcester (The Hive), St Johns, Warndon, Pershore, Evesham, Droitwich Spa and Broadway, as well as The Guildhall in Worcester and the Civic Centre in Pershore.
If you have any issues regarding the consultation, please email:
Adopted Community Infrastructure Levy
Examination of the Draft Charging Schedule took place on 29 November 2016, with a Report received from the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) on 27 January 2017.
The Report concluded that, subject to modifications, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedules for Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Wychavon provide an appropriate basis for the collection of the levy in Council's area.
The Worcester City CIL Charging Schedule was adopted at Full Council on 16 May 2017. The Worcester City CIL Charging Schedule comes into effect on Monday 4th September 2017. The CIL Notice of Adoption can be viewed below:
A CIL charge will apply to all relevant applications determined on or after 4th September 2017 (including those successful at appeal and those where a resolution to grant has been made but a S106 agreement has yet to be completed), even if they were submitted in advance of this date. CIL may also apply to Lawful Development Certificates, depending on certain circumstances.
Information and guidance on how indexation will affect CIL charges for CIL liable development in Worcester City Council’s administrative area is set out below.
- pdf CIL Indexation Update - Guidance Note (115 KB) (January 2025)
For further information and/or data from Infrastructure Funding Statements in previous years, please email the
Until 2019 Worcester City Council in accordance with Regulation 62 had prepared annual CIL Monitoring Reports.
- 2018-19 (covering the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019)
- 2017-18 (covering the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018)
In 2019 the regulations were revised, and the Council is now required to produce an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) which contains details of income and expenditure from both CIL and Section 106 Agreement contributions over the last financial period. The IFS will also identify the type of infrastructure and projects we intend to fund through CIL and Section 106 income over the next reporting period. The latest IFS can be found on the Developer Contributions Page under the section titled How S106 monies are allocated and spent.
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy?
The CIL is a locally set charge (levy) that came into force on 6 April 2010 through the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended). The CIL is a charge that local authorities in England (known as "charging authorities") can place on new development in their area. The money generated through the levy will contribute to the funding of infrastructure to support development growth in south Worcestershire. The CIL has been jointly prepared by the three south Worcestershire councils of Malvern Hills District Council, Wychavon District Council and Worcester City Council.
How is CIL calculated?
CIL is charged in £ per square metre. The floor area on which CIL is payable is calculated by measuring the gross internal area (GIA) of new development. All new build areas, including garages, are included.
The amount of CIL liable is also dependent on where the development is located within the District, the type of use proposed, the amount of floorspace that is being created and the amount that is being lost i.e. through demolition. For information about the CIL rates within your area, please refer to the CIL Charging Schedule.
What does CIL fund?
Regulation 123 of the CIL Regulations provides for charging authorities to set out a list of those projects and types of infrastructure that it intends to fund (either in whole or part) through the levy. The CIL is intended to supplement other funding streams to ensure that new community infrastructure can be provided to support local growth and to give Councils and communities more choice and flexibility in how infrastructure is funded.
Supporting Evidence
The South Worcestershire Infrastructure Delivery Plan (SWIDP) identifies the infrastructure needed to deliver the growth set out in the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP). The levy will help fund these requirements.
The CIL also needs to be informed by viability evidence. The south Worcestershire authorities need to be able to explain how their proposed levy rate (or rates) will contribute towards the implementation of the SWDP and support development across the area by striking an appropriate balance between the additional investment needed to support development and the potential effects on the viability of development.
The SWIDP and viability evidence documents are available to view via the SWDP website.
Further Information
CIL User Guide
A CIL user guide, which includes a number of examples and frequently asked questions section, can be found below:
CIL Forms
All forms relating to CIL can be found on the Planning Portal website.
Previous CIL Production Stages (via the SWDP website)
- Post Examination - Consultation on Revisions to the Regulation 123 List (2017)
- CIL Examination (2016)
- CIL Submission Documentation (2016)
- CIL Statement of Modifications (2016)
- Draft Charging Schedule (2015)
- Revised Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (2015)
- Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (2013)
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