What is a Listed Building?
A listed building is a building or structure of special architectural or historic interest recognised by the Government as being worthy of protection under special legislation. Listed buildings can be as diverse as churches, houses, bridges and gates.
Further information on listed buildings can be found on the Historic England website.
To find out whether your property is listed please search the National Heritage List
If you wish to have any further information on a listed building status then please complete our enquiry form and we will aim to reply within 3-5 working days
Local List
What is the Local List?
The Local List identifies and provides protection to heritage assets, including buildings and structures, which are of more local interest and are not on the statutory Listed Building list compiled by Historic England.
Local List
(541 KB)
is organised by street address so it is straightforward to check whether an asset is included. The Local List is regularly updated.
Anyone can nominate an asset for inclusion in the Local List as long as it meets the criteria of architectural, archaeological, artistic or historic interest, or makes a strong contribution to the townscape. Please provide any supporting information you have, including photographs. Nominations can be made using the
Local List nomination form
(40 KB)
If you are interested in further information then please contact:
Heritage and Design
Worcester City Council
The Guildhall
High Street
Tel: 01905 722549
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.