Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
SPDs provide guidance on the implementation and delivery of planning policy set out in the City's Local Plan policies.
Shrub Hill Quarter Draft Supplementary Planning Document
On 22 July 2024, the Council’s Place and Economic Development Committee approved a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) following public consultation undertaken earlier in the year.
The City Centre Master Plan and the South Worcestershire Development Plan have designated Shrub Hill as an Opportunity Zone for new mixed employment and residential development. Worcester City Council and Worcestershire County Council - which is now the owner of the Shrub Hill Industrial Estate - are working collaboratively to plan for the regeneration of this area, building on its heritage, natural assets and rail connections. The two councils will be working with key landowners and occupiers and stakeholders to shape its future.
The SPD sets out a framework for future planning and investment decisions in more detail than the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) and suggests how development, when it comes forward, should take place in several Character Areas within the Quarter.
The SPD will now be considered by Council on 17 September 2024 for adoption as part of the planning Local Development Framework.
Shrub Hill SPDStatement of Community ConsultatioReport to the Place and Economic Development Committee
Revised Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
The Revised Developer Contributions SPD sets out guidance relating to the collection of developer contributions, to be used when determining planning applications.
- Developer Contributions SPD (July 2018)
- Adoption Statement - Developer Contribution
- Consultation Statement - Revised Developer Contributions SPD
- Planning Obligations for Education in Worcestershire
- Developer Contribution Statement of Consultation
Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Supplementary Planning Document
The Revised Developer Contributions SPD sets out guidance relating to the collection of developer contributions, to be used when determining planning applications.
- Renewable and Low Carbon energy SPD
- Adoption Statement - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy
- Consultation Statement - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy
Water Management and Flooding SPD
The Renewable and Low carbon Energy SPD sets out guidance on how the requirements in Policy SWDP 27 relating to Renewable and Low Carbon Energy should be applied. It includes guidance on what must be provided in Energy Assessments; issues that need to be considered when examining the potential for decentralized energy and heat networks in large scale development proposals to comply with SWDP 27B; the various renewable and low carbon energy technologies and the planning issues associated with each technology that will need to be addressed.
- Water Management and Flooding SPD
- Adoption Statement - Water Management and Flooding
- Consultation Statement - Water Management and Flooding
Design Quality SPD
Planning for Health in South Worcestershire SPD
The south Worcestershire councils adopted the Planning for Health SPD on 21 September 2017. It provides more detailed guidance on the implementation of policies within the South Worcestershire Development Plan and sets out the requirements for Health Impact Assessment.
- Planning for Health in South Worcestershire SPD
- Planning for Health in South Worcestershire Adoption Notice
- Planning for Health in South Worcestershire Consultation Statement
Adopted Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document covers the administrative areas of Worcester City Council, Malvern Hills District Council and Wychavon District Council. It explains the details of the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) policies that relate to the provision of affordable housing. It is a guide intended to help developers, landowners, applicants applying for planning permission, registered providers and others who are seeking to provide or benefit from affordable housing.
The Affordable Housing SPD was formally adopted on 26th October 2016.
- Affordable Housing SPD (October 2016)
- Formal position with respect to Affordable Housing and Tariff style Development Contribution ( June 2019)
- Adoption Statement - Adopted Affordable Housing
- Consultation Statement- Adopted Affordable Housing
SEA Screening Statement
- City Centre Masterplan
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