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Making a Planning Application

Applications submitted to the Council, in the majority of cases, require the submission of an application form, a fee and supporting documents (such as plans and statements). This section of our website aims to provide useful advice on ensuring your application is valid on submission. If you are unsure if you need planning permission or would like pre-planning advice before making a formal application please visit here.

The City Council actively encourages the use of the Planning Portal for online submission of Planning Applications to ensure that applications are considered and decisions made in the most efficient way possible.  .
The Planning Portal registration is easy, the benefits include;
  • Immediate delivery and acknowledgement
  • Savings on postage and printing costs
  • Online help function when completing applications
  • Online record of your completed applications
  • Online payment

For the above reasons we recommend you make your application via the Planning Portal

Please note: Applications will not be registered until all the necessary supporting information such as plans and drawings and the appropriate fee is received, we therefore recommend you review the guidance on fees and submission requirements

There is also a service charge for submitting online planning applications that attract a planning fee. Application fees are to be paid to the Planning Portal by using the payment options that are presented to you as part of the application process and before the application is submitted to the local authority. 

  • Planning applications with a fee below £60 will not incur the service charge.
  • The service charge will be £20.83 (+VAT) for all other planning applications.

Application Forms

We recommend that you submit your application online via the Planning Portal, however, we appreciate that in certain circumstances this may not be appropriate, in this instance, you will need to download the appropriate application form.

Developers/applicants and agents should be aware that Worcester City Council adopted its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and associated documents on Tuesday 16 May 2017.  CIL has been implemented from 4 September 2017 and that CIL charges will apply for all qualifying development. This means that all planning applications will need to be accompanied by an Additional Information for CIL form that is available from The Planning PortalFind further information relating to CIL.

Application Fees

Every application must be accompanied by the correct fee.

The Government sets the Planning Application Fees that apply across the country.

Fees are also required for Permission in Principle applications, certain Prior Approval Applications and for applications for planning permission following the removal of permitted development rights through Article 4 directions or by condition.

Payments can be made using: the planning portal, contacting the Customer Services on 01905 722233.

For further information on a wider range of planning fees, please use the following links

Application Submission Requirements

It is necessary for the correct information to be submitted for a planning application to be registered. The Government allows Local Authorities to set out a validation checklist for new applications pdf The City Councils Validation Checklist (512 KB)  is an important document as it sets out what is required for different application types and provides links to relevant policy and guidance.