Homeless Applications and Advice Privacy Notice
Service being provided
Processing homeless applications, providing general advice and assistance to individuals that are homeless or threatened with homelessness.
Categories of personal data we need to collect
- Name
- Address
- Contact Details
- Financial
- Employment Details
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Household information including Children/Dependants
- Photo identification (e.g. Passport/Driving License)
- Unique Identifiers (National Insurance Number)
Categories of ‘special’ personal data we need to collect
- Disability
- Medical
- Criminal Record
Source of data
We may also receive information about you from:
- GPs
- Landlords
- Social services
- Housing assistance organisations
- Charities
- Other local authorities
- Family Members
- Support Agencies
Specified public bodies under the duty to refer:
- prisons;
- youth offender institutions;
- secure training centres;
- secure colleges;
- youth offending teams;
- probation services (including community rehabilitation companies);
- Jobcentre Plus;
- social service authorities;
- emergency departments;
- urgent treatment centres; and,
- hospitals in their function of providing inpatient care.
Consequences of failing to provide personal data
We will not be able to process your homeless application, if you do not provide all of the personal information that is requested.
Data Controller and Processors
The Data Controller is Worcester City Council
The Data Protection Officer for Worcester City Council can be contacted at
Purpose of Processing & Lawful Basis
- Service Delivery
- Service planning/Improvement
- Prevention or Detection of Fraud/Crime
Our legal basis for using your personal data is:
Compliance with a legal obligation as set out in The Housing Act 1996, Homelessness (Priority Need for Accommodation) (England) Order 2002 and The Homeless Reduction Act 2017.
Our legal basis for using your Special Categories of data is:
Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest in accordance with the above legislation.
Who we share the information with
Under MAPPA (Multi-agency public protection arrangements) and MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference), we are required to share your personal data with the following categories of third party, in order to comply with our statutory obligations for safeguarding and public protection including but not limited to:
- The Police
- Probation services
- Health services
- Social services
Where temporary accommodation is provided, we will share limited details such as your name and contact details with providers
To improve the service we offer as well as find the most appropriate housing solution for your need, we may also share information with the following third parties:
- GPs
- Landlords
- Solicitors
- Social Services
- Banks/Financial Organisations
- The Police
- Probation Services
- Other Local Authorities
- Support Agencies
When you complete the referral for housing assistance the information you provide will be used as part of research being carried out by the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities (DLUHC) for statistical analysis, to help understand more about what causes homelessness and how homelessness services can meet people’s needs.
Find out more information about the pdf Homelessness Data England research study (99 KB) .
How long we hold your information
We will only keep your information for the minimum period necessary. The information outlined in this privacy notice will be kept in accordance with our retention schedule. All information will be held securely and destroyed under confidential conditions.
Individual Legal Rights
Our use of your data will be subject to the following legal rights:
- Your Right to be Informed
- Your Right to Access your personal data
- Your Right for us to Rectify your personal data
- Your Right to Object to how we use your personal data
Individual right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office
If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is handled please contact our Data Protection Officer via
Phone: 01905 722233
Postal Address:
Data Protection Officer
Worcester City Council
The Guildhall
High Street
If you still have concerns following our response you have the right to raise the matter with the Information Commissioner’s Office:
Postal Address:
Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
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